Join our dynamic donor community providing powerful support to students
As a member contributing $150 annually* or $12.50 monthly, you connect one student to the people and experiences they need to grow and succeed.
This is a game changing effort and we created The Connected and Committed community to ensure our supporters experience this shift, too. Donors who contribute $150 or more will receive the same access and awareness that we provide our students.
As a member, you will:
- interact directly our students and their parents
- learn more about the impact of systemic inequalities in our society and industry
- connect with other like-minded industry professionals who share a desire to create a more inclusive and equitable industry
There's more - we are committed to being the most grateful and transparent non-profit organization that you’ve ever supported.
All members of The Connected and Committed receive a quarterly impact report and are invited to special opportunities that demonstrate the power of this community and deepen your personal engagement in our joint impact.
Consider this your monthly installment of pure inspiration. Join with a donation today!
*Alumni Board of Directors have a different level of contribution.